A Ph.D. And A Pandemic: Lessons Learned On Boldly Pursuing Your Interests Despite Uncertainty
In December 2019, I was accepted into a psychology Ph.D. program. I knew, of course, that this pursuit would be challenging. But I did not realize that the first days of my online classes would coincide with the start of a full-blown “once in a century” pandemic.
And yet, as I write this article, I am in my second year of doctoral studies, in the middle of my ninth course and working on the literature review of my future Ph.D. research dissertation. My grandmother, who was a doctor and a woman of strong character and wisdom, used to tell me: “Every experience you have and every bit of knowledge you acquire carries a lesson. Unwrap its deeper meaning.”
So, what has pursuing a Ph.D. taught me (so far) about myself, life and thriving in times of uncertainty? I am sharing a few of my own “aha” moments, along with some questions, that I hope inspire others to boldly pursue their interests — especially if they seem slightly (or wildly) far-fetched.
There is no perfect time to pursue anything worthwhile.
I am convinced, now more than ever, that it's better to just take the plunge and do the thing you want to do. It is better to regret some things you’ve done rather than regret the dreams that remain forever in your imagination. In my experience, there is no neatly overlapping Venn diagram in which the circle of “what you want to do” merges with the circle of “perfect timing” to form a region of “incredible opportunities materializing” right smack in the middle. In fact, research shows that people tend to regret “inaction” (things they wanted to do but didn’t) more than “action” (things they did).
So, if you’re thinking “I wish I could pursue my interest in ______,” there is no point in waiting. Although the pandemic has created an especially challenging time, we must still make our best efforts to live life to the fullest and maximize our potential.
Question to explore: What is worth your time and effort?
Don’t wait for the perfect moment. Just start wherever you are now, with the smallest step you can manage.
Learning and following your curiosity can generate a sense of hope.
A growth mindset is a belief that you are not “fixed” and that you can grow and develop your intellect and abilities. By design, the pursuit of new skills and knowledge places you in the current moment and inspires hope of a better future. Learning has a certain kind of regenerative quality, and following something that interests you can equate to a sense of hope and optimism. And who couldn’t use some of that?
Questions to explore: What do you want to learn or experience that could be truly revitalizing for you? What could generate a sense of hope in you?
Write these ideas down, mull them over and then do something about your new discoveries.
Doubt is fine as long it does not stop you from doing what you want.
Questioning your aptitude and capabilities is normal, especially if you are pursuing a difficult endeavor. But don’t allow doubt to dominate your life. Doubt can sneakily morph into a crippling fear of failure. If this happens, keep moving, even if it means taking baby steps toward your goals or, better yet, toward your curiosity. One of my favorite artists, Georgia O'Keeffe is often credited with saying, “I've been absolutely terrified every moment of my life and I've never let it keep me from doing a single thing I wanted to do.”
Question to explore: What are you willing to do through fear?
Don’t concern yourself about “what people will think."
Martha Beck, author and coach, says it's important to “let yourself be quirky” by living a life of integrity that is authentically yours. No matter what you decide to do — whether it’s pursuing a new professional path, learning to knit or entering a doctoral program — it may appear strange to others. You might hear statements like “How will you find the time?” or “Isn’t it beyond your domain of expertise?” or “Why would you want to take on so much work?” or “That’s so impractical.” And that’s OK! Let them wonder. You do you.
Research shows that our worries about what other people think about us is overblown and we “overestimate the impact of our failures, shortcomings and mishaps.” Most people are too busy worrying about themselves to think about you. So, instead, spend your time focused inward.
Questions to explore: What are you yearning to know more about? What is your curiosity leading you to? How might answers to these questions change your life?
If your inner compass is pointing you to recalibrate your direction, don’t ignore it.
Many people are reexamining their lives. Many feel desperately unfulfilled by their work and relationships. A recent TIME article proclaimed that the Covid-19 pandemic has caused a widespread existential crisis. If you are feeling the urge to rethink, reimagine and reexamine your life, work or relationships, don’t ignore it. Instead, lean into the sense of ambiguity.
Questions to explore: What does a well-lived, successful life mean to you? What are you uniquely capable of doing to make this world a better place?
Once you have settled on a path, do the work.
No matter what you are pursuing, whether it’s ballroom dancing or better parenting skills or a degree in psychology (or all three at the same time), it’s going to be hard and messy. It will require you to shake off your self-critic, be flexible and keep showing up to make things happen. But, there is something life-affirming in a sense of accomplishment. It can pull you into the new orbit of satisfaction and even pleasure. Just imagine the stars that will align and the constellations they will form.